Ibhethri le-Wall Mount Lifepo4 Ibhethri leSolar |48V 50AH |Ukusekelwa kwe-16p

Ukuquleka Kwenyanga Kwenyanga: Ngaphansi kwama-3.5% ngenyanga ngo-25 ℃
Ukusebenza kahle Kokukhokhisa: I-100% @ 0.5 c
Ukusebenza kahle kokukhipha: 96 ~ 99% @ 1 c
Shaja voltage: 57.6 ± 0.2 V
Imodeli yokushaja: 0.2C to57.6V, bese kuthi 57.6V, ishaja okwamanje kuye ku-0.02c
ukufula uchungechunge: 16s1p-50h
Isigaba Sokuvikelwa: IP54
Isitsha: ipuleti lensimbi
Khombisa: I-LED
I-terminal: 100a
Design Life (unyaka): Iminyaka eyi-10
Inkokhiso enconyiwe yamanje: 10a
UMax.Shaja okwamanje: 25a
UMax.Ukulahlwa okuqhubekayo kwamanje: 50a
Ukukhishwa kwe-Peak kwamanje: 60a (1s)
I-BMS Decur Cut-off Voltage: 41.6 V
Ukushaja okushisa: 0 ~ 45 ℃
Ukushisa okushisa: -20 ℃ kuya ku-60 ℃
Ukushisa kwesitoreji: -20 ℃ kuya ku-60 ℃
I-Port Port: Rs485 / Rs232 / Can
Amamojula aphezulu ngokufana: 16p

I-Airticle Ehlobene Okuhlobene

Check cautions in this Post: Cautions of Using Battery
Check certifications of KET Battery in this Post: KET Battery Pack Certifications
Check how to custom battery pack in this Post: 7 Steps to Custom Battery Pack

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